Special Cargo Handling Facilities

Perishable cargo (PIL, PAL, PEF, HUM)
Technical capabilities and characteristics:
- Net storage capacity - 4 000 m³
- 28 separate storage areas with adjustable temperature settings
- Separate storage of incompatible cargo categories (PIL, PEF, PES, EAT)
- 60 ULD storage positions in PCHS for temperature sensitive cargo (t from +2 to +8°С)
- Online control of temperature sensors' indications

Dangerous cargo (DGR)
Technical capabilities and characteristics:
- Total area of specially-equipped premises - 435 m³
- Handling all hazard classes of cargo
- License for storage, loading/unloading and transportation of radiation materials
- License for storage of firearms and ammunition

Live animals (AVI)
Technical capabilities and characteristics:
- Total area of premises for animals transfer - 75 m²
- Adjustable temperature settings support
- Ventilation and soundproofing of premises
- Additional care services

Valuable cargo (VAL)
Technical capabilities and characteristics:
- Total area of specially-equipped premises - 435 m³
- ТАРА Certification
- E-control system and access control to the premises with 100% protection against unauthorized entry
- Gas fire-extinguishing system
- Temperature and humidity monitoring

Heavy and oversized cargo
Technical capabilities and characteristics:
- Equipment for handling 20-feet pallets
- 2 platforms for acceptance/release of ULDs and large-size cargo (including motorcars)